4th Primary School of Heraklion
The school was founded in 1916 for the children of Iraklio to be taught the Greek language .In 1987 the 4th Primary School moved in its own place, an imposing building, which was one of the first school buildings in IRAKLIO. The 50th Primary School was also housed in the same building and since then the complex has been called "TALOS", named after the mythical hero of Crete that used to protect the island according to the Ancient Greek Mythology.The school has 183 students aged 6-12 and 30 teachers, teaching various subjects such as Greek Language, English Language , Art, Drama, Informatics, Physical Education and Music.The school applies the Common Reformed Syllabus with a wide range of teaching fields and goals. It has a Music Hall, an Art room, a computer lab and a school library.The Erasmus team at our school consists of ten members. All of us have been involved in at least one project from beginning to end. We are very aware of the importance of reliability and successful communication within such a project. All of us are used to international contacts professionally as well as in our private life and are therefore aware and respectful of cultural differences.